
Astrid Elise Grov

Phone: +47 466 77 115

When Astrid came to Nøgne Ø, she literally created waves. These hand-drawn waves now adorn all our boxes and labels. She is full of creative ideas and constantly challenges the rest of us in how we think and act. The fact that she's not a big fan of beer is something we're still working on...


Astrid Elise Grov

Favorite color:


Favorite food:

Barbecue and tapas

I was circuit champion in shot put in the 90s. I've also been president of my freshman class. Suffering from extreme fear of flying. Gamer.

No one knows this about you:

I am a graphic designer. I work a lot with artwork, labels, preparation for print, merch and various marketing. Tom's little helper. Together we are dynamite!

What do you do at work?

Number of years at Nøgne Ø:


Favorite music:

Ludovico Einaudi, Damien Rice, Melissa Horn, Chris Holsten and more.

What's at the top of your bucket list:

Dancing in the northern lights. Do something in life that I will be remembered for. I'd also like to learn to play the piano.

I love the people out at Rygene. They are warm, positive and extremely knowledgeable. The Nøgne Ø brand is also every designer's dream to be able to play with. I get to challenge myself both technically and creatively - with complete confidence.

What's the best thing about your job?



